Christian Education School Freedom Forum – Wayne County / Taylor/ Down River
This Event Has Passed
Metro City Church-Taylor Campus | 21080 Penn St., Taylor, Michigan 48180
Are you concerned about the recent calls to register and regulate home education and private schools in Michigan?
Learn what’s really going on and how you can engage on this important issue at our next Christian Education Freedom Forum!
This free event will be held Monday, April 16th at 6:30 pm at Metro City Church-Taylor Campus, located at 21080 Penn St, Taylor, MI 48180.
Our panel features:
- State Representative Jaime Greene (House Education Committee Minority Vice-Chair)
- Israel Wayne (Vice-President of MiCHN)
- Eileen McNeil (President of Citizens for Traditional Values)
- Katherine Bussard (C.O.O. of Salt & Light Global)
Their dynamic discussion will cover how you can help preserve education
freedom, how your parental rights are protected by law, and how to prepare and
protect your family. Additionally, attendees can take advantage of free print and digital resources.